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The following modules are required:




Accessing the source code via Git on Linux or OS X machines

Preparing cloning

If Git isn’t installed please do so. You can find Git binaries here.

It is a good practice to save all your repositories in a separate directory. Therefore open a terminal and type:

$ cd $HOME
$ mkdir git
$ cd git

Cloning the remote repository

If you’re a gust a copy of the BladeDesigner repository can be received via:

$ git clone git:// bladedesigner-version2

Gust users only have read permissions for the remote repository. If you need read and write permissions you have to have member status. A member receives a copy of the BladeDesigner repository via:

$ git clone ssh:// bladedesigner-version2


USERNAME needs to be your sourceforge login.

While connecting, a request is prompted asking, whether the connected host should be trusted or not. The request will look like this:

The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 86:7b:1b:12:85:35:8a:b7:98:b6:d2:97:5e:96:58:1d.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?

Before typing “yes” check, whether the given RSA key fingerprint is in list of sourceforge hosts to trust. If the fingerprint does not appear in the list, please contact the sourceforge-team.

Finally a local copy of the BladeDesigner repository is stored on your hard drive.

Compiling the documentation with Sphinx

If Sphinx isn’t installed please do so.

Compiling the documentation is very easy. First get the BladeDesigner source code as explained in Accessing the source code via Git on Linux or OS X machines. Now open a terminal and go to the $HOME/git/BladeDesigner/doc directory and type:

$ make html

If Sphinx is installed properly the compiling process starts. You can find the compiled documentation under $HOME/git/BladeDesigner/doc/_build/html. Open the index.html file in your favorite browser.